Sunday, April 3, 2011


Tonight I thought I would make some homemade ravioli. With Lent in full swing I found this ravioli recipe. I made the basic pasta recipe for the ravioli. It had been awhile since I've made pasta, but it actually was like riding a bike!! You never forget how. The recipe called for making tortelloni, but I decided to make ravioli!!

Our neighbor Francie, popped over for a visit. Francie and Karen thought the ravioli was excellent!!!!!

Radicchio and red onion sauteing in the pan!!

The filling for the ravioli consisted of red onion, radicchio, ricotta cheese, parsley, balsamic vinegar, parmigiano cheese and salt and pepper to taste.

The pasta dough after it's been kneaded and resting for 20 minutes.

The ravioli waiting to go in the water!

This is the Parmigiano Cream Sauce ( Fonduto di Parmingiano)

This was spooned over the ravioli just before serving.

Ravioli boiling in the pan.

Radicchio Tortelloni (Ravioli)

After you boiled the ravioli, you add it to your saute pan with butter and more radicchio!