Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I used chicken for this dish in place of the duck. I've made scaloppine a couple of times now and really enjoy making it. The chicken is seasoned with salt and pepper and then lightly dredged in flour. Then they were sauteed in olive oil and removed from the pan and then the apples were added to the pan. After the apples were cooked the wine and chicken stock were added to the pan and brought to a boil. Then the chicken was added back to pan and brought to a simmer.

The green apples gave a sweetness to the dish that I really enjoyed!

Chicken with Green Apples

The Unknown liked the chicken but he thought it was a little on the sweet side. I disagreed!

Marinated Eggplant

Very easy to make. The marinade consisted of olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic, mint leaves, orange zest and black pepper. My production manager needs to do a better job plating the food.

Kirin and Becca thought the chicken was A-OK!

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