Thursday, March 24, 2011


Teaser video from my production manager. I also have Mario's book, Molto Gusto. It's a great book, especially if you want to learn how to make your own pizza. I've gone from the rolling pin, to now tossing my own dough! I know it sounds kind of ###############.


Olive oil, rosemary and saffron in the pot smelling good!!

With Lent in full swing I was paging through my cookbook and found this soup, which is perfect for lent. It was easy to make and was pretty darn good. The recipe required the "basic tomato sauce", which I can make with my eyes closed, and I never get tired of making it because it makes the house smell so good. It also required saffron, which is becoming one of my favorite ingredients. The other ingredients for the soup included olive oil, garlic, rosemary (from my garden), chickpeas, water and fettuccine.

Tomato sauce and water added to pot!!

Boiling away, but I think the picture is upside down!!
Where is my production manager??

The soup is a definite do-over. The saffron gives the soup a fantastic taste and color.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Sarah and her friend Alex came to visit on Sunday. We hand plenty of the Pork Spareribs leftover from the night before, so I decided to make an antipasto. I had plenty of celery in the fridge to make this little dish. I boiled the celery in salted water, then after they cooled a bit I dredged them in flour, egg wash and cornstarch.

I fried the celery in olive oil.

Fried celery seasoned with salt and pepper.

Karen, Sarah and Alex enjoying the Pork Spareribs and Fried Celery.


With lent just around the corner I decided I better make something with meat. We always give up meat for lent, so I decided I would make some Pork Spareribs.
The sauce consisted of red onions, celery, carrots, red wine, chicken stock and the basic tomato sauce. It also called for anchovies, but my production manager wouldn't let me add them to the pot! I tried to sneak them in but I got caught!! I placed the ribs in a pot of boiling water and simmered them for 30 minutes then removed them and made the sauce and then placed them back in the pot to simmer for 1 1/2 hours.

Pork Spareribs simmering in the pot!!!

Same picture. Are you ready for your close-up!!

The ribs just fell of the bone!! This was an easy dish to make. The ribs were delicious!! This is a definite do-over!