Monday, February 1, 2010


Yesterday I started my journey. We have Lent starting in a couple of weeks, so I decided to make something with meat. Short Ribs in Barolo (page 402) with Basic Tomato Sauce (page 71). I paired it with the Root Vegetable Mash (page 417). I was able to knockout 3 recipes in 1 night, although I know I will be making the Basic Tomato Sauce more than once during this journey. It took about 2-1/2 hours to cook everything including clean-up. I did ask my wife to stir the tomato sauce once (she claims she stirred it 3 times). The Barolo sauce turned out pretty good. The Vegetable Mash was excellent. My wife and oldest daughter thought everything tasted great. My youngest daughter would only eat the short ribs (she is very picky). Her friend tried the short ribs and the mash and she said she loved them. That makes me feel good.

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