Thursday, May 27, 2010


I haven't posted in awhile, but I'm still cooking. Here we go. Karen was having her girlfriends over for "American Idol". I told her I would be happy to make something for the "Event". I've been waiting for an opportunity to make lasagne. So, the day before I made the bolognese sauce for the lasagne.

The bolognese sauce was easy to make, but it takes a little time. The ingredients consisted of onions, celery, carrots, garlic, ground veal, ground pork, ground pancetta, tomato paste, milk, wine and thyme leaves.

To assemble the lasagne, you spread a layer of ragu bolognese sauce on the bottom of your casserole and sprinkle it with parmigiano cheese, then a layer of pasta, a layer of besciamella sauce, another layer of ragu sauce, then parmigiano, then pasta and repeat it until your ingredients are used up. The besciamella sauce consisted of unsalted butter, flour, warm milk, freshly grated nutmeg and salt.

Side view of lasagne!!!!!!!!!

Just out of the oven! Let it rest for 10 minutes before serving

Chuck, Bill and Steve had the basketball game to watch.
Where's the other Steve?

Christy, Lori, Debbie, Suzette and Karen getting ready to cheer Lee to victory!

Looks Yummy!!!!!!!!!

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