Thursday, May 6, 2010

Roman-Style Veal Cutlets with Sage

I had some veal left over from the other night so I thought I would make this veal dish. It was very easy to make, and would make a nice antipasto. I pounded the veal flat with my meat mallet (sounds kinda funky) and placed each on a (funky again) piece of prosciutto with a sage leaf and folded it over to form a little sandwich. After that, you pound it lightly again with your mallet (funky) and secure it together with a toothpick, and then dredge it in flour that is seasoned with salt and pepper. Be careful not to over salt it, because the prosciutto is very salty.
Veal Cutlets breaded and ready for the pan!
Cook the cutlets in unsalted butter on medium to high heat for 2 minutes on each side.

Remove the cutlets from the pan and add 1/2 cup of dry white wine with another couple tablespoons of unsalted butter to the pan!
Return the cutlets to the pan to reheat for a minute or two. It looks as good as it tasted!!!

Becca was my sous chef and panel for tonight! We both agreed that the cutlets were definitely a do-over!

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